I went to the Goodwill yesterday with my husband and two daughters. My daughters made it difficult, of course, and while I was looking at dresses, my two-year-old kept hiding behind the clothes and telling me (loudly) to "find her." It kept her somewhat occupied, so of course, I let her, but I knew I only had 3-4 minutes of happy-child time so I grabbed blindly at anything my size and remotely from the same decade.
I shuffled my daughter into the dressing room with my 3 dresses (I was pretty doubtful about all of them) and did the Clark Kent/Superman switch (even he would have been impressed by my lightening quickness). Somehow, I managed to pick 3 oldies but goodies. They were awesome! Perfect fits (except one, and it was worth it to me to buy, since I could easily take it in). The lesson today, then, is to try even the "ugly" item. I never would have thought the baby-blue, kinda longish dress would have fit so perfectly.
I'll post pics soon.