
Tip of the Day: Showcase Your Finds

Amy, one of my good friends and fellow thrifters, wore an entire outfit bought at goodwill to a girls' night out.  She looked so smashing, I had to take her picture (see below) and show it on my blog.  The tip today is to showcase your finds.  Amy didn't just wear a shirt she bought at the goodwill--she wore an entire outfit.  This doesn't always work, of course, but wearing everything from head to toe from the thrift store is its own kind of special.  Try it just once.  You'll be hooked.


  1. where's the picture? (love your thrifty blog BTW) ;)

  2. Sorry--not quite up, yet. It's comin' . . .

  3. PS I will have to do another photo shoot with my friend. The pics were lost! Not to worry. She has lots of cute outfits, and I'll get her on here soon.
